How to Remove Backgrounds in Photoshop: 10 Easy Techniques

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Here’s an extended explanation of the various methods you can use to remove background in Adobe Photoshop. Suposse you’ve just taken a fantastic shot in which the subject stands out against an almost uninteresting background. The image tells a story, but there’s an unsettling sense that it could be much more amazing with a different background or made to stand on its own in all its elegance.

Remove Background

1. How to Remove Background in Photoshop with Remove Background Tool-

In the updated version of Photoshop, you can find the “Remove Background” tool at the bottom.

  • Just one click on the “Remove Background” tool to activate it.
  • After that, in just a matter of seconds, the tool works its magic, seamlessly removing the background from your image.
  • After Photoshop has removed the background, you may need to refine the selection. If there are areas that need adjustment, you can also use the “Select and Mask” option to fine-tune the edges of your selection for a cleaner result.
magic wand tool 1

2. How to Remove Background in Photoshop Using Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand Tool is ideal for images with distinct color contrast between the subject and background.

  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Select the Magic Wand Tool from the Tools panel.
  • Click on the background area that you want to remove.
  • If your image has multiple background areas of the same color, hold down the Shift key and click on each additional area. 
  • Then go to the “Select” menu at the top of the screen and choose “Inverse.” 
  • Press Ctrl+j
  • In the Layers panel on the right side of your screen, you’ll see your image on a background layer. To unlock it, simply click the layer.
photoshop select quick selection tool

3. How to Background Remover in Photoshop Using Quick Selection Tool-

The Quick Selection Tool is effective for images with less distinct subject-background contrast.

  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Choose the Quick Selection Tool from the Tools panel.
  • Then choose the area you want to remove, click, and drag your mouse over the subject.
  • If you require adjustments to your selection, use the Add to Selection (+) to include more or the Subtract from Selection (-) to delete sections of your selection.
  • Create a layer mask from the selection and refine the edges as needed.

4. How to Remove Background in Photoshop Using The Pen tool(Advanced)-

The Pen Tool offers precise control for complex selections with intricate edges.
  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Select the Pen Tool from the Tools panel.
  • Carefully outline the subject to create a path.
  • Right-click and choose “Make Selection.” Optionally, feather the selection.
  • Create a layer mask from the selection and refine it for a seamless result.

5. How To Remove Background in Photoshop Using Select & Mask-

The Select and Mask workspace is perfect for images with subjects featuring intricate edges or hair.

  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Choose your preferred selection tool (Quick Selection Tool).
  • Click “Select and Mask” in the options bar.
  • Use the tools in the Select and Mask workspace to refine selection edges.
  • Create a layer mask based on the refined selection and make any necessary adjustments.
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6. How To Remove Background In Photoshop Using The Background Eraser Tool-

The Background Eraser Tool is suited for subjects with clear edges against the background.

  1. Open your image in Photoshop.
  2. Select the Background Eraser Tool from the Tools panel.
  3. Adjust the brush settings (size, hardness, tolerance).
  4. Click and drag the tool over the background to erase it while preserving the subject.
  5. Use the brush tool and layer mask to touch up any areas as needed.

7. How To Remove Background In Photoshop Using Channel-

  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Then right-click on the background layer to take the duplicate layer.
  • Go to the Channels panel, typically located next to the Layers panel. In the Channels panel, you’ll see the Red, Green, and Blue channels.
  • Once you’ve identified the channel with the most contrast, duplicate it by dragging it onto the “New Channel” icon at the bottom of the Channels panel. This creates a new channel that’s essentially a grayscale version of the selected color channel.

  • With the duplicated channel selected, use Levels (Image > Adjustments > Levels)  to enhance the contrast further. This step helps make the subject stand out even more from the background.
  • After enhancing the channel, you’ll likely end up with a black-and-white image where the subject is white, and the background is black. Now, you can create a selection from this channel.
  • Ctrl-click (Cmd-click on Mac) on the channel thumbnail to load it as a selection. You’ll see the selection of marching ants around the subject.
  • With the selection active, return to the Layers panel. Create a new layer mask on your image layer. This mask will use the selection you just created to hide the background and reveal the subject.
  • Finally, refine the layer mask using brush tools if necessary. Zoom in and carefully paint over any areas where the background still shows through.

8. How To Remove Background In Photoshop Using Color Range- 

remove background 4

This method is suitable for images with distinctive colors in the subject and background.

  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Choose “Select” > “Color Range” from the top menu.
  • In the Color Range dialog box, you’ll see an eyedropper icon. Click on the eyedropper and then click on the color in your image that represents the background you want to remove.
  • Adjust the “Fuzziness” slider in the Color Range dialog. A lower value restricts the selection to very similar colors.
  • You’ll see a preview of your selection in the Color Range dialog box. The selected areas will appear white, while the unselected areas will be black.
  • Once you have a precise selection that covers the entire background, click “OK.” This will close the Color Range dialog box.

  • With the selection active, create a layer mask on the image layer. This will hide the selected background, revealing the subject.

  • Fine-tune the layer mask using brush tools to ensure that the subject’s edges blend seamlessly with the new background or transparent area.


9. How To Background Remover In Photoshop Using Ai-Powered Selection Tool-

Recent versions of Adobe Photoshop have introduced AI-powered selection tools that can simplify the process of removing backgrounds, especially from complex images.

Here’s how to use these tools:

  • Open your image in Photoshop.

  • Select the “Select” menu at the top of the screen.

  • Choose “Subject” or “Object,” depending on your version of Photoshop. These options use Adobe’s AI technology to automatically select the subject of the image.

  • Photoshop will generate a selection around the subject. However, it’s essential to note that these AI-generated selections may not always be perfect, especially in images with complex backgrounds or multiple subjects.

  • To refine the selection, use traditional selection tools like the Brush Tool or Lasso Tool. You can add or subtract areas from the selection as needed.

  • Once you’re satisfied with the selection, create a layer mask to remove the background, revealing the subject.

refine edge photoshop window

10. How To Remove Background in Photoshop Using Refine Edges Tool-

For subjects with complex edges, the Refine Edge tool can be useful.

  • Open your image in Photoshop.
  • Make a rough selection using any tool.
  • Right-click the selection and choose “Refine Edge.”
  • Use the available tools to refine the selection’s edges.
  • Create a layer mask based on the refined selection.


Adobe Photoshop provides a range of methods to remove backgrounds from images, catering to various levels of complexity and user expertise. The choice of method depends on factors such as subject background contrast, image intricacy, and personal preference. Always make sure to save your original image before applying any changes and take the time to refine your selection and mask for the best possible result.

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